Mondofi Car Share Glossary of Terms

Last updated: Dec 02, 2022

App refers to the Mondofi Mobile Application. All current residents of a Mondofi Smart Building have access to the App. The Mondofi Car Share Program registration process is accessible by all residents via the App, and member features, including the ability to reserve a Vehicle, are available via the App once the registration is complete and the resident is approved as an Approved Driver.

Approved Driver refers to a resident of a Mondofi Smart Building who has completed the Mondofi Car Share Program registration process and has been approved to use the Vehicles.

Associated 3rd Parties refers to us, our affiliates and their respective directors, officers, shareholders, employees, shareholder agents, suppliers, lessors, contractors, representatives, advisors, successors and assignees.

Booking Period refers to the period of time starting from the Booking Start Date/Time and the Booking End Date/Time. 

Booking Start Date/Time indicates the start of the Car Share reservation as selected by the Member using the Mobile Application.

Booking End Date/Time indicates the end of the Car Share reservation as selected by the Car Share Member’s using the Mobile Application for Set Return Trips, or as set automatically as 24 hours after the Booking Start Date/Time for Open Return Trips. Booking End Date/Time may change by way of a Member extending a trip based on availability.

Call Centre refers to the Mondofi Car Share customer Call Centre, which can be reached by telephone at 1-855-5-MOCAR-2.

Collision and Comprehensive Insurance refers to insurance (including self-insurance by us) for damage to a Vehicle that arises out of the use or operation by the insured of a Vehicle and occurs in Canada.

Charging Cable refers to the electrical cable connected to the Charging Station on one end and plugging into an electric Vehicle on the other end.

Charging Port refers to the charging connector that is able to charge the Vehicle. For detailed information, please refer to the Vehicle Manual.

Charging Station refers to the device user for charging the Vehicle that is mounted on the wall near the Designated Parking stall at the Home Building. 

Damage Fee refers to the fee in the amount of up to $1,000 that you must pay us to cover damage to a Vehicle, to be charged in accordance with the terms and subject to the conditions of the Collision and Comprehensive Insurance. This amount may be increased in our sole discretion if the Vehicle Damage is caused as a result of a violation of the Mondofi Car Share Terms & Conditions.

Designated Parking refers to the parking stalls in the Home Building that are reserved for Mondofi Car Share Vehicles only.  

Distance Charge refers to the set of fees applied to a trip based on the per KM rates, as specified on the Rate Schedule.

Documents refers to your registration form (if applicable), the Rate Schedule, the Privacy Policy and any other rules, guidelines, policies, or documentation that we may establish or amend from time to time relating to your Mondofi Car Share membership or the Mondofi Car Share program. All of these Documents are an integral part of this Agreement and binding on you.

Driver’s License refers to a Class 5 B.C. driver’s license or an equivalent driver’s license from another jurisdiction that is not suspended, revoked, expired or surrendered and permits you to operate a vehicle in British Columbia and in any other jurisdiction in which you wish to use an Vehicle.

Emergency Driver refers to a person who is at least 18 years old, has a valid Driver’s License, is not under the influence of any intoxicating substance or otherwise incapable of safely operating the Vehicle; and operates the Vehicle under your personal supervision and instruction

Helpline Button refers to the button located in the Mondofi Mobile Application which places a call from your phone to our Call Centre.

Home Building refers to the Mondofi Smart Building in which the Vehicle’s Designated Parking is located. Vehicle rentals can only commence and end if the Vehicle is located at the Home Building. 

Major Traffic Violation refers to a driving related offense under the Criminal Code of Canada, the laws of British Columbia or the laws of any other jurisdiction that may be punishable by imprisonment.

Member refers to the person who is provided access to Vehicles as part of the Mondofi Car Share program.

Mondofi Car Share refers to the car-sharing program made available by us and operated by us or on our behalf from time to time under the “Mondofi” brand and includes any and all services, features and other parts of the program (including, without limitation, Vehicles and equipment, reservations, your member account, the Mondofi website, the Mondofi Mobile Application, and our Call Centre).

Mondofi Smart Building refers to a building in which the Mondofi software system is utilized for building management purposes.

Open Return refers to a Rental Period setting in which the end time is unspecified. A Rental Period that is set with an Open Return can have a maximum duration of 24 hours, unless extended depending on availability. 

Pet Carrier refers to portable boxes, crates or cages used to transport animals such as cats and dogs.

Pre-Trip Inspection refers to the process of inspecting a Vehicle at the beginning of a Rental Period to identify unreported Vehicle defects, damage and uncleanness.  A Pre-Trip Inspection prompts the Member to make sure the Vehicle appears to be safe to operate and tracks the condition of a Vehicle as reported by Members. 

Privacy Policy refers to our privacy policy, as amended from time to time. A current copy of our Privacy Policy can be found in Schedule B to this Agreement and is also available online at

Rate Schedule refers to our schedule of rates, fees, service fees, prices, and other charges in respect of your Mondofi Car Share membership and the Mondofi Car Share program, as amended from time to time. Our Rate Schedule can be found online at

Stopover refers to parking and exiting the Vehicle without ending the Rental Period.

Tenancy Agreement refers to a written agreement between a tenant and a landlord, specifying the terms of the rental of a property.

Third Party Liability Insurance refers to insurance in the amount required by law in British Columbia, and such additional insurance as we may provide, for liability imposed on the insured by law for injury or death of another or loss or damage to property of another that arises out of the use or operation by the insured of a Vehicle and occurs in Canada.

Traffic Violation refers to a contravention of the Motor Vehicle Act (British Columbia), its regulations or any other traffic laws in British Columbia or any other jurisdiction.

Time Charge refers to the set of fees applied to a trip based on the minutely rate, hourly rate and daily rate, as specified on the Rate Schedule.  

Trip Period refers to the period of time starting from the Trip Start Date/Time and the Trip End Date/Time.

Trip Start Date/Time indicates the date and time immediately after the Member completes the Pre-Trip Inspection for their Booking Period. 

Trip End Date/Time indicates the date and time when the Member has ended their Reservation via the App.

Vehicle refers to a motor vehicle made available by us to Mondofi Car Share members as part of our Mondofi Car Share program and includes any equipment in the vehicle.

Vehicle Damage refers to any defects, damage, or soiling of a Vehicle and any missing, incomplete, defective or inoperative equipment or documentation (such as the insurance papers and the copy of the Vehicle Manual).

Vehicle Manual refers to the operating manual for our Vehicles, as amended from time to time. The Manual includes the owner’s manual provided by the manufacturer and other instructions describing how to handle a Vehicle and use its features.