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Mondofi Lite Access Control App Buildings
Residents > 8) Profile, Payment Method
Payment Method, Banking Information under Review
Once you’ve added Banking Information to your Account, it will be reviewed by an Administrator.
A message to this effect will be displayed on the Payment Method screen.
Payment Method, Banking Information Approved
Once your Banking Information has been Approved, it will appear on the Payment Method screen, in a redacted format.
The information displayed included:
- Ending digits of your Account Number
- Institution Number
- Status of Approval of the Banking Information you provided
Payment methods you’ve added to your Mondofi Account will appear on this screen, including:
- Banking Information, for Monthly Rent
- Credit Cards
To add a new credit card, tap on Add Card.
Adding a New Card
After Add New Card on the Choose Payment Method screen will display the Add Card screen, which contains a form.
In the Add Payment Card section (above), please enter the following information:
- Card Number
- Expiration Date, as MM/YY
- Card Security Code (CVV)
In the Billing Address section (below), please enter the following information:
- Billing Address
- City
- Province
- Postal Code
Tap the Add Card button at the bottom to add this Credit Card to your account.
Payment Method, Credit Card Added
Once one or more cards have been successfully added to your Mondofi Account, they will appear on the Payment Method screen.
The options immediately available include:
- Edit – this allows you to update your Credit Card information
- Delete – delete the Credit Card from your account
Tapping the options icon (3-dots) will display additional options, including:
- Make MoCar default – this assigns the card to be used for charges incurred from Car Sharing
- Cancel
Additional cards can be added to your account by tapping the Add Card button at the bottom.
Credit Card, Make MoCar Default
There is always one credit card assigned as default to use for Mondofi Car Sharing.
This is indicated on the card as Default For Mocar.
To assign a card as Default For Mocar, tap the options icon (3-dots), then tap on Make MoCar default.
A message will appear confirming the update, re-assign the selected Card to be charged by default when using Mondofi Car Share.
Verifying your new email address
An email will be sent to the new email address, requesting confirmation.
This is a verification step, helping to ensure that the new email address was entered correctly.
To confirm, please click the Send Verification button in the email.
Edit Credit Card
If needed, you may Edit the information associated with a Credit Card by tapping the Edit button. This will direct you to the Add Card screen, where you may Edit any fields.
Note: any edits made must pass validation before the information is updated.