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Mondofi Lite Access Control App Buildings
Residents > 7) Profile, Settings
Update Password
To update your password, once logged-in tap PROFILE on the Bottom Tab Navigation.
Then, tap on Settings.
Then, tap on Update Password.
This will display the Update Password screen, which includes a form with the following input fields:
- Old Password – enter your existing Mondofi password
- New Password – enter your new desired password, fulfilling the required criteria listed at the bottom of the screen
- Confirm New Password – re-enter your desired password
Tap on Update to complete the change.
Once updated, you will be directed to the Suite screen, and a notification will briefly appear above, confirming that your password has been updated.
New Announcements Notifications
If New Announcement Notifications are enabled, then the following will occur on your device when a New Announcement is received:
- A notification is displayed in-app (if the Mondofi App is Open)
- An Icon will appear in the Notifications Area of your device (top bar)
- An Notification is displayed in your device’s Notifications Panel
If New Announcement Notifications are disabled, then the above will not occur.
Chat Notifications
If Chat Notifications are enabled, then the following will occur on your device when a new Chat Message is received:
- A notification is displayed in-app (if the Mondofi App is Open)
- An Icon will appear in the Notifications Area of your device (top bar)
- An Notification is displayed in your device’s Notifications Panel
If Chat Notifications are disabled, then the above will not occur.
Issue Request Notifications
If Issue Request Notifications are enabled, then the following will occur on your device when a new Issue Request is updated:
- A notification is displayed in-app (if the Mondofi App is Open)
- An Icon will appear in the Notifications Area of your device (top bar)
- An Notification is displayed in your device’s Notifications Panel
If Issue Request Notifications are disabled, then the above will not occur.
Carshare Notifications
If Carshare Notifications are enabled, then the following will occur on your device when a Carshare Notification is received:
- A notification is displayed in-app (if the Mondofi App is Open)
- An Icon will appear in the Notifications Area of your device (top bar)
- An Notification is displayed in your device’s Notifications Panel
If Carshare Notifications are disabled, then the above will not occur.
Payment Notifications
If Payment Notifications are enabled, then the following will occur on your device when a Payment is processed:
- A notification is displayed in-app (if the Mondofi App is Open)
- An Icon will appear in the Notifications Area of your device (top bar)
- An Notification is displayed in your device’s Notifications Panel
If Payment Notifications are disabled, then the above will not occur.
Updating Your Email Address
Update your email address by tapping the Edit icon on the right-hand side of the Email field.
This will open an Update email form.
Input the new email address and your old password.
Note: entering your old email address will not work.
Once entered, tap on Send Verification .
If the old password is correct, then a message will appear notifying you that an email change request has been sent to the new email address.
Verifying your new email address
An email will be sent to the new email address, requesting confirmation.
This is a verification step, helping to ensure that the new email address was entered correctly.
To confirm, please click the Send Verification button in the email.
Simultaneous to the Confirm Email Address email with subject line “Request To Change Email”, an email had also been sent to your old email address, notifying you that a change has been requested.
Updating Phone Number
Send Verification Code
On the Profile screen, typing a new phone number into the Phone Number field will display a Send Verification Code button below the number field.
Tapping Send Verification Code will immediately send a text message (SMS) to the new phone number provided, containing a 4-digit code.
Enter Security Code
In the Mobile App, you will be directed to a new screen to Enter Security Code.
The 4-digit security code is valid for 60 seconds.
If the code expires, then you may repeat the process of entering the new phone number on the Profile screen.
Once you’ve entered the code, tab Submit.
If the code is correct, then your Phone Number will be updated.
In the Mobile App, you will be directed to the Suite Screen (Home screen), and a message will be briefly displayed, confirming that Profile updated successfully.
Updating Profile Picture
Tapping the profile image will display the upload options, which include:
- Take Photo now with your device
- Choose Photo from your device
Tap on one of the options to proceed.
Take Photo
Tapping Take Photo on the upload options menu, will trigger your device’s camera to turn on, allowing you to immediately take a photo.
Take the desired photo, that will appear as your Profile Picture.
Once the photo is taken, you will be asked to confirm whether the image is Ok, or if you wish to Retry.
If you wish to retake the photo, then tap Retry.
If you wish to use this photo, then tap Ok.
Edit Photo
You may Crop the image by moving and resizing the white rectangle on the photo.
Dragging the center of the white rectangle will move it across your screen.
Dragging the edges of the white rectangle will resize it.
Tapping the rotate icon in the top-right corner will rotate the image 90 degrees clockwise.
Please ensure that the entire front or back of the ID card is clearly visible.
Once ready, please click the checkmark button on the top-right corner of the screen to proceed.
To cancel, click the cancel button on the top-left corner of the screen.
Once confirmed, your Profile Picture will be updated, and will appear in your Profile.
Choose Photo
Tapping Choose Photo on the upload options menu will open your device’s file browsing, prompting you to select a photo from your device.
Browse your device and select the desired photo as your Profile Picture.
Once selected, it will immediately be updated.