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Applicants for Tenancy

Applicants > 7) Rental Application

Email Received: Rental Application Form

Once your pre-application information is assessed as a good fit, you will be sent an invitation via email to complete your Rental Application.

Please note, the following documents are required in digital format to complete your Rental Application: 

  1. Scan of your pay stubs demonstrating 3 months of employment
  2. Government issued ID (image of front and back of the ID)

To proceed, click  Apply Now .

Email, Rental Application Form

Rental Application: Consumer Acknowledgement

The first step of your Rental Application is to review “Renting Residential Property: What Tenants need to Know“. 

This page provides potential tenants important information on rights and responsibilities, as well as further government resources to learn more about renting a residential property.

Once you’ve reviewed the documentation and are ready to proceed, please confirm your acknowledgement by ticking the checkbox “I Agree“. 

To proceed, click Submit.

Rental Application, Consumer Acknowledgement

Rental Application: Primary Information

The Rental Application consists of 5 pages:

  1. Primary Information 
  2. Supplementary Information
  3. Terms 
  4. Consent & Sign
  5. Review & Submit

Completing & submitting a Rental Application will result in a Residential Tenancy Agreement (Lease Agreement), if approved and signed by the building’s signing authority. 

The progress bar at the top of the screen indicates which one of the 5 pages is being displayed.

The first page, Primary Information, requests personal information about the applicant(s). 

First Applicant

Some fields are required, such as:

  • First & Last Name
  • Date of Birth
  • Email Address
  • Phone Number

Other fields are not required to submit your application, however the answers will help determine your eligibility for tenancy in the building. 

By default, a Rental Application form is set for one Applicant. A Co-Applicant can be added by ticking the checkbox labeled: “Co-Applicant’s Primary Information” – the Co-applicant will co-sign the lease along with the primary applicant.

Rental Application, Primary Information - Primary Applicant


If a Co-Applicant is added, then additional fields will be displayed, prompting you to input their information. 

The Co-Applicant fields are similar to the First Applicant fields above. Some fields are required, whereas other fields are not required in order to submit the application. However, the answers will help determine eligibility for tenancy. 

Other Adults 

If there are other adult occupants who need to be added to the lease agreement, please tick the checkbox “Other Adults”. 

Additional fields will appear, requesting the following for each occupant:

  • First Name
  • Middle Middle
  • Last Names

Once ready to proceed, click  Save & Continue , at the top or bottom of the page. 

This will store your form data to your file. If you close your browser window, you may resume your Rental Application by clicking the  Apply Now  button in the same invitation email.

Rental Application, Primary Information - Co-Applicant & Other Adult Applicants

Rental Application: Supplementary Information

The 2nd step in the Rental Application prompts for:

  • Employment information 
  • Vehicle information
  • Business or personal reference contact

If there is a Co-Applicant to the lease agreement, input the requested information.

The answers will help determine eligibility for tenancy.

Once ready to proceed, click Save & Continue, at the top or bottom of the page. 

This will store your form data to your file. If you close your browser window, you may resume your Rental Application by clicking the Apply Now button in the same invitation email.

Rental Application, Supplementary Information

Rental Application: Terms

The 3rd step in the Rental Application provides an overview of the Offer to Rent, including the following (as applicable): 

  • Suite Number, Address & Unit Type
  • Security Deposit amount
  • Monthly Rent amount
  • Pet Damage Deposit amount
  • Other Fees
  • Parking Permit
  • Utilities Included
  • Additional Policy Terms

The applicant is prompted for the following:

  • Date of Occupancy Desired
  • Whether Parking is Requested

Note, this may modify amounts in the Offer to Rent

  • ID Number and ID Type

The following document uploads are required:

  • Most recent pay stubs, demonstrating 3 months of employment

Important: Paystubs must include

  • Applicant’s Full Name
  • Pay Period Start and End Date
  • Employer or Company Name 
  • Government ID, image of front
  • Government ID, image of back

Once ready to proceed, click Save & Continue, at the top or bottom of the page. 

This will store your form data to your file. If you close your browser window, you may resume your Rental Application by clicking the Apply Now button in the same invitation email.

Rental Application, Terms

Rental Application: Consent & Sign


The 4th step in the Rental Application requests the Applicant to consent to the Landlord obtaining credit, personal and employment information on the Applicant from one or more consumer reporting agencies and from other sources of information. 

To grant consent on behalf of all applicants, please tick the checkbox at the top of the page.

Lease Agreement 

Important term clauses are provided on this page for reference and review. 

Initially, the section titles are listed. Clicking a section title expands the terms of the section. 


Electronic signatures are requested at this step.

Write your signature in the appropriate box, which is done by clicking (or tapping) and holding on a point within the signature box, then writing your signature within the box outline.

If a mistake is made, the signature can be cleared by clicking “X” in the top-right corner of the signature box.

Once ready to proceed, click  Save & Continue , at the top or bottom of the page. 

This will store your form data to your file. If you close your browser window, you may resume your Rental Application by clicking the  Apply Now  button in the same invitation email.

Rental Application, Consent & Sign

Rental Application: Review & Submit

On the 5th and final step of the Rental Application, please review all personal information for accuracy and completeness

The Rental Tenancy Agreement will be produced from this data, and information contained will originate from this completed from. Signing and submitting the Rental Application may result in a legally binding agreement.

Once reviewed and ready to proceed, click the Submit Application button, at the top or bottom of the page.

Rental Application, Review & Submit

Rental Application: Submitted

Upon submitting the Rental Application, a message will appear on your screen confirming it’s been sent.

Clicking Ok will redirect you back to the Mondofi Homepage.

Rental Application, Submitted

An email with subject line “Rental Application Submission” is also sent to your email address, confirming that the Rental Application has been received by Mondofi.

At this stage, your Rental Application is pending review by an agent, which include the following as per consent:

  • Credit Check
  • Background Check
  • Reference Check

Once the process is complete and a decision is made, you will receive an update via email.

Email, Rental Application Submission