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Residents > 12) Building Screen

Building Information

The Building screen displays information as published by Building Management. This may include contact information, links to resources, or general information.

At the top of the Building Screen, you may also:

  • Send Message to Building Managers
  • Call a Building Manager
Mobile App, Call Building Manager

Send Message to Building Managers

On the Building screen, tapping on the Send Message button in the top section will display all Building Contacts from the Chat screen. 

The full guide to utilizing Chat functionality is located here: Chat Screen

You may use Filter at the top to Search for a contact by name

Typing part of a contact’s full name will narrow down the list to include partial matches.

Tapping on a contact will display the message thread between you and the contact.

Mobile App, Call Building Manager

Call Building Manager

On the Building screen, tapping on Call Building Manager will open your device’s Phone app, with the active Building Manager’s phone number entered, ready to make a call.

Mobile App, Call Building Manager