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Residents > 9) Profile, Invoices

Overview of Invoices

Tapping on Invoices from the Profile Screen will provide access to all invoices on your account. 

All invoices are organized under 3 separate tabs:

  • Monthly Rent
  • Car Share
  • Alerts

All invoices can be viewed in detail and downloaded to your device.

Car Share Invoices

Tapping on the Car Share tab will display any invoices corresponding to Car Share, in reverse-chronological order.

Each invoice entry on the list includes the following summarized information: 

  • Invoice Date
  • Credit Card number used for payment (last 4-digits)
  • Type of Invoice (Monthly Rental, Car Share or Alert)
  • Invoice Total Amount
Mobile App, Call Building Manager

Car Share Invoice Details

Tapping on an invoice from the Car Share tab will display the invoice details. 

Car Share Invoice details include: 

  • Credit Card number used for payment (last 4-digits)
  • Invoice Date
  • Invoice Total Amount
  • Trip Details, including:
    • Pick-up Date & Time
    • Drop-off Date & Time
    • Pick-up Location, Building Name
    • Drop-off Location, Building Name
  • Booking Type, can be one of either of the following (4):
    • Scheduled With Set Return
    • Scheduled With Open Return
    • Book Now With Set Return
    • Book Now With Open Return
  • Payment Details, including:
    • Fare amount
    • Open Return Fee (if applicable)
    • Taxes applied
    • Total amount
  • Vehicle Details, including:
    • Make/Model
    • License Plate Number
  • Driver’s License Number

Clicking the download icon at the top-right corner of the screen will download a PDF copy of the invoice to your device.

Mobile App, Call Building Manager

Alert Invoices

Tapping on the Alert tab will display any invoices corresponding to Alerts, in reverse-chronological order.

Each invoice entry on the list includes the following summarized information: 

  • Invoice Date
  • Credit Card number used for payment (last 4-digits)
  • Alert Comment Preview text
Mobile App, Call Building Manager

Alert Invoice Details

Tapping on the Alert tab will display any invoices corresponding to Alerts, in reverse-chronological order.

Alert Invoice details include: 

  • Credit Card number used for payment (last 4-digits)
  • Invoice Date
  • Invoice Total Amount
  • Alert ID
  • Alert Status
  • Vehicle Identifier
  • Alerted On
  • Alert Description
  • Alert Author Admin that issued the Alert
  • Payment Details, including:
    • Taxes applied
    • Service Fees as listed
    • Total service fee amount
    • Total amount applied

Clicking the download icon at the top-right corner of the screen will download a PDF copy of the invoice to your device.

Mobile App, Call Building Manager

Monthly Rental Invoices

Tapping on the Monthly Rental tab will display any invoices corresponding to Monthly Rent, in reverse-chronological order.

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